Wise Food Storage

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Born of Hope; FREE MOVIE!!

One of the most hardest things to explain to a person is how "brain" washing really works and what purpose it serves. I rarely watch movies and when I do they seemingly hit nerves deep below the surface of my flesh, Literally penetrating my spirit. Last night watching this movie a thought of how each and every movie I've ever watched always points at one thing. The Most High and his son the Messiah. When you know biblical text well. This becomes very clear. Had someone told me this many moons ago I'd have laughed at them. Guessing this is why I choose not to get upset with others for laughing at me when making these sorts of remarks.

However it's imperative for people to listen up when it comes to relative information regarding this. You see much of what is going on in our nation is due to technology that exists. But there is an even more hidden reason as to why this technology is even in existence. And that's what many fail to realize is connected to God. You see if you make the characters in this movie the Queen of Heaven, Jesus, and the great dragon you can begin to see how much this movie mimics biblical text with the exception of a very few details. As I watched. It dawned on me how full of blasphemy this movie is. And the only reason I decided to share it is because people find it abnormal to use verbiage biblical text uses. Which this movie does use. So if you can sit through and watch this without shunning a person for writing the script. How could you look at someone as if they are crazy when they speak biblical language as an everyday normal thing? Look if this isn't you. Surely you know someone who it does apply to! Lets just be cognizant to this, and when appropriate correct others who shun it or deem it unnecessary, we don't talk about others who are doing things far worse right?
Ok, enjoy the movie, and btw... See if you know the Bible well enough to determine who would be who!  

Friday, December 28, 2018

10.5 Apocalypse part 1 and 2

This movie will require me to give an update in another post so that I don't spoil the movies. I will post that sometime next week.

To get access to free movies that are family friendly, educational, or thought provoking. Hit subscribe/enter your email to get updates when one is posted.

By watching them from this page I manage to earn credit. You can easily watch these from a television screen too! Right from this page. If your not aware how to do so email me and I will help you through it!

Luke 21:11
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” 

Please be ready for what's to come in America and across the globe. I've paired with an awesome company that's got great food along with some even better deals. It's better to be safe than sorry. Just click on the Wise Foods Link here or on the side bar! Thanks and I hope you enjoy the movie's..

Friday, December 21, 2018

Mystery has been solved. Johnny talks about the future

Once you realize how this entity communicates. You can easily see. Our lives have been inundated with symbols of their presence. Which is hidden right in front of our faces.

Just before Johnny came out with all of his revelations. I was introduced to these thoughts. From situations in and of my life. The first came around the time I'd worked in a bar. Just after I'd been saved. I was finding myself looking into my life with a different set of eyes. It seemed that each time I had to go into a bar at night. I'd be experiencing a host of emotions not experienced before. But, after arriving at work, music and one drink would change that all. Going into a "zone," to earn money my family needed. For the "good" life I had planned.

Fast cars and booming systems. Nice clothes and fancy fragrances. All of it would be mine. No matter what it took. Because, I had children that deserved it, and the tenacity to make it happen.
However, I always wondered why I felt like music would change me. Then I heard Greg Lewis and his Truth about Hip Hop sermon and my mouth about hit the floor.

Recall I met Lucifer?

Well, the night I first met him, in the body or out of the body I do not know, Bone-thugs-and-Harmony was playing in my CD player. An occult movie played in the background on my tv. Those were the things that I liked. The cd I'm talking about was one that had an incantation on the back of it's cd cover. That if you wanted to read. You would read it in a mirror. I tried that one day but only made it about halfway through when I was told to stop. I stopped. Soon after Lucifer had a "portal" into my bedroom I assume.

Gladly, Father saved me, and I'm here to tell about it. Well, in this sermon, this cd was mentioned. So was I wanna sex you up by Color me badd. For how many ladies lost their virginity through that song. I'd lost my virginity to that song. To my two sons father. This didn't immediately stop me from dancing. But, I wanted any way out of it to make my life sustainable, for the legacy of my children, and their children. How, futile this was. Now many years later, an entirely new person has emerged from the precepts learned in a line by line learning sequence, and is watching my children go through the same process. But, without the knowledge of what is behind the music they listen to and the movies they watch. I am slowly watching me in them "eat" theirselves. As I watch them and the countless others do the same. I can't help but to remember I was them, and The Most High loved me enough to set me free, why wouldn't he do the same for them? The only way this will happen is if they get the key to understanding this hidden truth of all things. I sure hope they read this post and realize how important their future has always been to me. #timeENDS #etrnityBegins

                                       That is what Jonny does day after day. 

Show us the manifestation of Lucifer's kingdom here on earth. This knowledge is priceless and without it; You will perish. Please, don't be deceived, and end up as food for them in the pit.

It's the Truth that sets us Free; You are Exiles

Having been part of a ministry that's focused on truth is more than a blessing. It's been my 180 in life. By continually pointing everyone into the direction of Johnathan Kleck I know the people will get this truth that sets us free. There are others who has tried to take his information and rework it. But, that's dangerous in my eyes. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unpardonable sin. I sure hope I've never done so. Cause daily I strive to be different and someone who is a pillar of salt. Leading others to the truth that has set so many free all across the globe.

The truth is this entire system is a sham. It's a hoax. A "host" body system that made such things as racism an issue. When in fact we are all light being's trapped in a human host body. Maybe that's why so many people are stuck in a delusion. In love for my brethren I've determined to put a stop to any and all things that even remotely mimic the things that celebrities do. Even praying for my sister and brother to change and come out of their delusional minds. Not that I'm better. But now that I'm not blind. I'm able to see that money is the ultimate way of making a person fall into the "trap". This trap is the snare that inevitably determines where your final resting place is. Will you fall for the snare or be turned right side up by the loving conversion of The Messiah's sacrifice? This is all up to you. Our "free-will" beauty to either listen and watch with open ears, hearts, and minds or deny such.

We all must die one death. But, we DO NOT have to die twice. If you and your loved one's don't get the truth of all things you will be cut off the land. The information in these video's is mind blowing and life altering. All of Lucifer's deeds have been shown to brother Johnny and he has spent the last 16 years showing us. 
                                                       The exiles.

Acts 3:21-23 
Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. 22 For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. 23 Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people.’

Since we are all exiles it would be wise to connect to the source before this war ends up hitting our lands. I've had visions since childhood and all have come true. The last vision was of this end that Kleck has made note of in this video. With fire coming out of the sky, an invasion of being's that are taller than the trees, breastplates of iron, and hair all over, that ended with the lamb of God. 

Yeshuah Aka Jesus Christ, The Messiah is to return any moment. Many American's have no idea how close to the end of time we are. Don't be foolish and skip this over. Because time is swiftly running out.  

Share this page with all three video's far and wide!! All of us deserve to know the truth of all things that has been hidden from us since the beginning of time:

Luke 8:17 
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Matthew 10:26 
"So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.
Mark 4:22 
For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.

The big secret about your identity that the world does not want you to know about. There is a very dark truth about Satanic ritualistic cannibalism and how it fuels the coming One-World-Government. There is a dark, supernatural army of Locust like creatures that will be released during the Tribulation. Satan has been building his personal army for generations... Lucifer's Shadow Government operates in the dark corners on Earth, and infects all major spheres of influence. "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them." 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby" EPHESIANS 2:15-16 "And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile" 1 PETER "And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile" 1 PETER 1:17 When we incarnate into this world we are stripped of our former memories. As part of the great mystery and fabric of creation we have remembrance that connects back to before the beginning, to the foundations of the world and universe when Yahweh/Yahushuah as part of self, held all in being. We have been with the Father and Son since before the institution of time. The reason our memories are swept from us is so that we enter as a clean slate for renewed chance at redemption and salvation. What we do in this lifetime as angels, imprisoned within the flesh, determines our eternal fates and what we do in the life hereafter. Those who are blessed to be counted among the most elect will, in fact, judge angels and sit as jurors in the councils of the Lord to convict and condemn the rebel and fallen angels intended to be as gods themselves, forging a path of self service and vain personal glory. “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?” 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, kjv. There are only two paths we can follow in life, one as a foot washer in service to one another or as tyrant king in service to self. One is the path of priesthood or the way of Abel, and the other of kingship and divine right to rule—or the way of Cain. Those who follow the Lord and adhere to His commandments become the priests, prophets, and apostles that are stood up by the Lord to serve the people. Those who are appointed by Satan to become kings, queens, rulers, presidents, and prime ministers in service of a New World Order are usually personas that serve his goal of world domination. These individuals believe in their divine right to rule over and decide the collective direction of the world. The fact that many of them gather yearly at Bohemian Grove to worship a 40- foot owl, in a mock ritual sacrifice of a human effigy, lets one know that something weird is still ongoing. When we incarnate into this world we are stripped of our former memories. As part of the great mystery and fabric of creation we have remembrance that connects back to before the beginning, to the foundations of the world and universe when Yahweh/Yahushuah as part of self, held all in being. We have been with the Father and Son since before the institution of time. The reason our memories are swept from us is so that we enter as a clean slate for renewed chance at redemption and salvation. What we do in this lifetime as angels, imprisoned within the flesh, determines our eternal fates and what we do in the life hereafter. Those who are blessed to be counted among the most elect will, in fact, judge angels and sit as jurors in the councils of the Lord to convict and condemn the rebel and fallen angels intended to be as gods themselves, forging a path of self service and vain personal glory.“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?” 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, kjv.There are only two paths we can follow in life, one as a foot washer in service to one another or as tyrant king in service to self. One is the path of priesthood or the way of Abel, and the other of kingship and divine right to rule—or the way of Cain. Those who follow the Lord and adhere to His commandments become the priests, prophets, and apostles that are stood up by the Lord to serve the people. Those who are appointed by Satan to become kings, queens, rulers, presidents, and prime ministers in service of a New World Order are usually personas that serve his goal of world domination. These individuals believe in their divine right to rule over and decide the collective direction of the world. The fact that many of them gather yearly at Bohemian Grove to worship a 40- foot owl, in a mock ritual sacrifice of a human effigy, lets one know that something weird is still ongoing. (excerpted from 'Sons of God' by Zen Garcia)

The Full DVD doesn't include the second video posted 
But does hold all the truth in it. If you would like to watch it in one video. Then do show by watching the one below. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


The mark of the beast isn't something you heard spoken of very often unless you're a believer. Even then. It's not much heard of. It appears to me as if 85-90% of Christ centered "believers" these days. Are living in a delusion. Just as the prophet once stated before. Since most are afraid to touch on this subject-- and I'm not-- because various studies into various rabbit wholes (while searching out the truth of all things) led me to the ministry of #NOLYN Where the Prophet spoken of in Acts 3:21-23. Shares with the world his gifts.

In this video. He talks about a technology that will be used for the world to buy, sell, and trade. Anyone who doesn't take this mark. Will not be able to buy, sell, or trade. This technology has been out for quite some time- and is being instituted all across the globe- In various markets. Or if your from the United Kingdom-and are a resident in assisted living homes- where they are being forced to take this mark. If you take this mark. Scripture says; You are going to hell. Here are some links. Describing in more detail. Intricate aspects of the beast system technology.

Three square market has 50 employees who have gotten the chip already in River Falls, Wisconsin.  UK there is some fuss over it.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Look on Obama face says it all

In an interview with Matt Lauer President Obama says Trump would in no way be elected President. In a subsequent interview he's asked to elaborate. His response: "He had faith in the American People" to essentially not put, the newly elected President, in office! 

Winning under half of them votes but still claiming the seat? Even Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, gave a 30 min speech over Donald Trump's (already claimed) victory. 

It would appear the American people failed his ideology of who we are. Heck, It's nothing less than what he has done for us. 

So let's focus on electoral vote. Or can we? Hilary was said to have conceded right? Doesn't that mean the race is over? 

So lady's and gent's welcome to 11/9 election results.

Or can I just jump the gun like that? Here's an article articulating further. 

The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days 

 Next few weeks are going to be interesting. Or will the US be the same then? 

Your probably thinking that was an off the wall comment. Trust I wish it was. But, it's not!!  

Civil unrest is the agenda we are already targeted and hit victims. 

Let's just think for a second...

Is date alone 11/9 & 9/11 a little spooky? 
Or is that just me? 

No, make no mistake about it. Numbers are a big part of how our universe operates. All way down to our very own lives. What would we do if we didn't have a set time of day? Numerology, constellations, and even the book of Enoch speaks on numbers! I hope to one day have a small e-book on this! 

Wow! What a time to be alive! 
 Stay with me on these matters folks. Many important things are happening this year. 
Many big things are happening actually. If you don't know the Lord, your life is at risk. Your eternal life and your physical body life! Plus, this stuff can get a little scary. The only way to see how so and how to live through it would be to stay in constant contact with correct and reliable sources. I am that contact! 

If there's any questions hit  Question Me button. Also, if you have a prayer request! 
I like hearing what people think. Feel free to do so in comment section.